Climbing in Europe followed by ski touring in New Zealand

Mid July and after two weeks of mountain guiding for ISM, Gary is ready for some top quality rock climbing with Iris. Climbing in europe, we are spoilt as we can choose to go climbing  on lime stone, gneiss, granite and/or marble.  The European Alps provide us with all sorts of fun from gazing at pretty flowers on trekking trips, watching chamoix and ibex to alpine climbing.

The New Zealand late winter program has been on our minds too and ski touring is definitely on. We have a team booked for ski touring end of October and have decided to offer two scheduled  6 day ski touring trips for individuals keen to share experience and cost: Tour I from 25.9.- 30.9. and Tour II from 10.-15.10.2011. There is also a 3 day avalanche course available for those keen to learn/improve their back country skills.

climbing in Europe

Views from Tour de Famelon, Leysin: Eiger,Mönch,Jungfrau