Alpinism & Ski mountain guides news

On the way home from marketing in Christchurch

Lake Alexandrina Alpinism & Ski stopover after brochure drop in Christchurch

Birdwatching at Lake Alexandrina

Bird watching: alpinism soft recreational activity

Chief guide Gary Dickson is en route as instructor/ assessor with UIAGM/IFMGA collegue Dave McKinley. NZMGA mountain guide Callum Grant is on ascents trip to Mt Aspiring, there are wild winds on the lake, fresh snow on the mountains and the team is on stand by but Wanaka is just beautiful. Specialist training for elite team coming up and climbing in Europe during July and August is starting to be a subject. Gaz has been on 3 SAR trips in 2 days while Christchurch is suffering and is forever on our minds. We were relieved to hear his family is ok and our friends too. For anybody needing accommodation for a few weeks, our alpinism studio is free after the Wanaka A&P show. If you want to sign up for the next newsletter and program update, click here