Tasman Saddle Ski Tour

The team ski touring the Tasman Glacier - Mt Cook in the left back ground

The team ski touring the Tasman Glacier - Mt Cook in the left back ground

The inner workings of Tasman saddle hut

The inner workings of Tasman saddle hut

Ski touring can take you into awesome surroundings

Ski touring can take you into awesome surroundings

Almost straight after the Murchison glacier ski tour, Gaz headed back into the mountains with local couple  Bill and his wife Karen and their two friends Rob and Jo from Nelson.  The theme of this 4 day trip was mainly for Karen, Rob and Jo to experience what Bill already loves – ski touring based out of a high mountain hut in the spectacular glaciated terrain of Mt Cook National Park.

The snow was awesome and some nice powder turns were had.  The team visited the magnificent Darwin icefall and experienced skiing thru an ice cave.  They also enjoyed no computers, cell phones nor TV, and were able to get into the groove of the simple outdoor life and routines.