Wanaka news from Alpinism & Ski

The season is changing again and as usual Wanaka has an awesome display of autumn colors:

Autumn walks in Wanaka

the outlet, a favorite for colors on a walk in autumn

here the Clutha river outlet, during this time of the year an absolute ‘must do’. The Wanaka festival of arts is also fast approaching and the Wastebusters are having the awards for best and worst packaging while the Alpinism & Ski team continue with their sustainable practices and improvements: new bathroom floor is in. Some time in the future, we will be able to tell you our environmental footprint analysis (as we are now part of a sustainable practice study) and show you our sustainability statement and policy in black and white. For now, we continue to learn and practice… and we continue to fly into the mountains too. Here some tips from Iris about being sustainable:

Alpinism & Ski and sustainability practices

safe your left over hot water in a thermos, your next cup is ready

Sustainability and Alpinism & Ski

Where you can, use an old fashioned duster insted of a hoover

Sustainability and Alpinism & Ski

Above your fire place use a drying rack instead of an electric dryer