Mountaineering instruction courses in New Zealand

mountaineering instruction courses

Snow and ice techniques on a mountaineering course

crevasse rescue on an instruction course

crevasse rescue on an instruction course

pitching up a ridge, alpine course

pitching up a ridge on an alpine instruction course


The New Year is approaching fast and the last few weeks have brought us excellent weather for adventures in the Southern Alps.

We have two mountaineering courses on the program, one for beginners and the other for intermediate to advanced mountaineers keen to brush up, renew and confirm their alpine climbing skills to stay safe in the mountains while having fun, here the details:

  • Intro to Alpinism, 6 days from 20 – 25th February 2012, $ 2426 pp
  • Total Alpinism, 7 days from 4 – 10th March 2012, $ 2830 pp

One of those mountaineering instruction courses could be just right for you, so don’t hesitate and get in touch for more details.

For now: