Aircraft access/egress in NZ

What you need to know about aircraft access/egress for our guided mountain climbing and mountaineering courses here in the NZ southern alps

Heliaircraft used for mountaineering adventures

fox neve drop off



Accessing glaciated mountaineering terrain in the Southern alps requires travelling in to our National parks some distance. Most locations if done on foot would require a good weather period, 2 days travel with big packs and a substantial elevation gain all in good weather.( same to get out) Often when the party travelling in via foot access gets to the climbing location the weather is already on the turn, the party gets some hut time, finds their food is running out and then is forced to start heading out down the valley again. Hmmmm.  Yep, as a young student at university, this used to be a common scenario. I got a bit done, but not as much as I could have…..

Alpinism and Ski uses helicopters to access and egress the climbing venues ( this is actually  a very common and standard thing for NZ mountaineering). There are many helicopter bases close to  the mountain venues we go to which is ideal. Yes this is an added expense, but one which many climbers who understand kiwi weather  and logistics regularly use.

Flying in and out maximizes your precious time in the alpine zone. Last but not least, when you fly in, your legs are fresh for your climbing, mountaineering and ski touring adventure and so is the food.

Knowing and understanding Kiwi weather is cruicial for trip planning and  working in with the helicopter companies. This is where my 30 years of exerience and my solid understanding of local weather patterns comes in.

Our guided mountaineering and ski touring parties wait for good weather in the mountains to arrive and then quickly, efficiently and painlessly fly in. If the weather is bad for flying in, time is spent rock climbing/scrambling, revising rope skills and/or relaxing at the Alpinism and Ski base.

Aircraft cost for alpinism adventures in NZ

Your New Zealand mountaineering and ski touring adventures with Alpinism and Ski Wanaka do not include the price of flights in or out of the mountains. Why….?

Trips in NZ are driven by the weather and conditions options, sometimes you end up going into your first objective,  often you end up going somewhere different that first thought.

Prices of flights vary depending on the area flown in to (e.g. Mt Cook-Aoraki National park or Westland National park) as well as aircraft used. The rules and regulations governing these areas vary too. I am more than happy to explain it and  give estimates on application to help you with budgeting. You pay directly to the aircraft company involved. there is no fee taken by us for that part of the trip.

We leave the flying to the expert aviation companies. We have an excellent working relationship with them and they and us do our best to get the most efficient and economical flight deals for your New Zealand alpinism adventures.

Mount Aspiring ascent

Mt Aspiring NW ridge

Mt Aspiring NW ridge

On the 11th of December Mountain guide Gary Dickson and kiwi client John flew into  Bevan col looking for a reasonable break in the current weather for a Mount Aspiring ascent attempt.  Unfortunately the weather gods did not play ball and the two mountaineers walked over to Bevan col 4 days later in ‘interesting’ navigation conditions and  later flew out to Wanaka.  Even though it was a dissappointing trip not to have summited, it was a good trip into the hills with plenty of good hut comraderie, photo opportunities and technical skills updated for John.

Comming up in January, return Alpinism and Ski client Anthony will be jetting in from HongKong for a week of ascent action with Gaz.


In late November/early December, Mountain Guide gaz worked up at Mt Cook instructing on a technical mountaineering course/intermediate mountaineering course.

From mountaineering in NZ to climbing in Switzerland and back to NZ ski touring

Guided ski touring in NZ

Ski touring in New Zealand, skiing amoungst the ice towers on the Tasman Glacier.

Southern Alps back country ski touring

Back country ski touring amoungst very “cool” terrain






As snow lovers in New Zealand had started the best winter in a long time, we enjoyed an amazing run of summer weather in Europe and particularly lots of good climbing in Switzerland. Interested? again in July/August 2016 and don’t hesitate to ask!

Presently, ski touring is still on in the Southern Alps and masses of snow are left for some good ski touring fun out there, as long as those crazy Spring winds would settle somewhat! soon!

Gary can be booked again as a mountain guide this coming NZ summer. Top quality mountaineering instruction courses right here in NZ, Aotearoa, the land of the long white cloud. From now on, he will offer his guiding service under the concession and sms of Alpine Guides in Mt Cook-Aoraki. Our guided trekking excursions are now part of the past, but we can give you tips and advice anytime for free.

The Alpinism studio-cottage is available again for your independent holidays here in Wanaka, be it action packed or relaxing or mixed.

Enjoy whatever you do and stay safe.


Sustainability at the Alpinism and Ski base in Wanaka

A very  important thing happening this week: one of our sustainability projects for the Alpinism and Ski base here in Wanaka is finished, a long term dream as well, ticked off the bucket list and we are mighty proud of it: as of now, we are putting power back into the grid with our brand new solar system. So, life is good and we’ll continue to plan more projects and dream a little.


Mountaineering instruction courses in New Zealand

Alpine climbing instruction course in NZ

Mic, Monty and Pat high up on the Fox Glacier, New Zealand


A few months ago, we heard from Mic who had climbed Mt Cook as well as Mt Tasman with Gaz some years ago. He was keen to introduce his son Pat to Alpinism adventures and last month, together with his longtime mountaineering buddy Monty, the threesome arrived for a seven day mountaineering instruction course. At the base, this was the opportunity to finalize the latest Adventure Tourism auditing request and then our team hit the road to Fox Glacier; photos on the last blog but here now the feedback:

from Monty, after his fourth trip:

” Thank you very much again for a wonderful and friendly experience. I always come away from climbing trips with ‘Gaz’ with more confidence and desire for more mountain excursions. I know Mick and I will be planning our next trip as soon as we get back home. Gaz, your patient tutorial towards Pat in getting him to understand the complexity of climbing and how he can still enjoy it was most beneficial & assuring. A great mentor.

Iris, your hospitality as always was warm and generous. Till next time, Monty”

Thanks Monty, we look forward to it!


Sustainability – Alpinism & Ski – Wanaka

Alpinism and sustainability go hand in hand – there is no other way as we all have to look after our splendid nature and wilderness areas. We have our own sustainability statement and improvements have been ongoing since our establishment during the Millennium year.

sustainability practices

Mountain guide Gaz getting rid of surplus packaging before a trip

sustainability practices

Climbing ropes too get recycled, here to fix a rubbish bin

sustainability practices

there are 2-3 composts on the go at all times at the Alpinism and Ski base

Alpinism and Ski Wanaka is on every mountaineering, ski touring or trekking trip passing on the message as best as possible to visitors from all over the globe. We have also supported Wanaka Wastebusters since they opened their doors. Now there es another enterprise in Wanaka which I believe is in line with being sustainable and sharing resources, the Wanaka time bank. If everyone of us makes the best possible effort, there WILL be improvement. Education is part of it so please help to pass the message that breaking bottles all around beautiful places in Wanaka and leaving rubbish is not cool!

Alpinism and Ski and sustainability

Help educate the masses: no rubbish left behind ever!

Specialised Mountain training and search and rescue on TV

Alpinism and Ski does specialist mountain training for a number of organisations

Wanaka LandSAR team in training

Here are the links (11.12.2012)

Episode one 26th Nov

Episode two 3.Dec

Episode three in Fiordland


If  you are interested in what Gary and the Local Wanaka Land search and rescue people do, then tune into NZ TV channel One 8pm  on a Monday night  for eight episodes of reality TV of “high country rescue” ( the first episode was Monday 26th November and seems to have been well received by those we have talked to and those that have sent messages about it)

Wanaka, base of Alpinism adventures

Spring in Wanaka and it is beautiful watching the various native flowers emerge, from Patotara to Kowhai, now the delicate looking New Zealand Iris and dark red delicious Pittostorum are appearing. Ski touring season has come and gone, guided trekking to Rob Roy glacier cirque started and our mountaineering season is shaping up.

For any interested mountaineers, we have a Technical Mountaineering Course from 6-12th Jan. 2013 with 3 spots left. An alpine climbing instruction course with top New Zealand instructor Gary Dickson in person.

Matukituki valley, Wanaka

Black Swan family, Matukituki valley Wanaka

Iris on personal Trekking, hiking, walking mission

This morning Iris headed   off with one other friend to do some personal trekking in the Greenstone/Caples/Steeple creek area.  The weather is perfect for 3 days, which is how long they expect to be out there.

Guided trekking , hiking or walks with Iris is the perfect way to enjoy time whilist staying in the Wanaka area. When Iris gets back from this personal trek, she’ll catch her breath as she has a person arriving for some guided trekking over a couple of days.

You can look forward to some photos of flora, fauna and classic Southern Alps landscapes in a few days.

trekking guide Iris

Come and enjoy the wealth of local knowledge trekking guide Iris knows

Mountaineering with Gary Dickson, Alpinism & Ski Wanaka – NZ and Europe

Here some memorabilia of Alpinism during the last decade: youtube legendary Doug Ball who spent considerable time climbing with mountain guide Gary Dickson aka Gaz from January 2006 until August 2009.

Climbing Mt Aspiring

Doug Ball, 79, on Mt Aspiring, New Zealand

Doug Ball on the Fiescherhorn with mountain guide Gary Dickson

Doug at 80, climbing a few peaks over 4000m in a week in Switzerland

climbing in the Swiss Alps

Doug climbing high above the Dossenhütte, Kingspitze in the back ground

Doug had climbed Mt Cook Aoraki with his wife Peggy and many other peaks, but never Mt Aspiring. He got thwarted twice while climbing with Gaz because of conditions and weather but third time lucky and for a brief time he was considered the oldest climber to have sumited. He must have been an inspiration … more

Doug and Mt Tasman in the back ground

Based at Centennial hut for some more alpine climbing

He sent us these lines just recently …”I use a slide show of my mountaineering photos as a screen saver so that my memories are not lost but are refreshed every day. Alpinism and Ski certainly made an enormous difference to my life. What would have become of me if I had just thrown in the sponge after Peggy died?  I have so much to thank you both for and am not likely to ever forget it.”

keep going strong Doug