Iris and Gaz recently skied a light dusting of powder in the back country of Wanaka….
Tag Archives: backcountry ski touring in NZ
Ski touring in NewZealand
Winter in NZ has arrived down under. Enjoy the slopes and get into the groove and shape for an awesome ski tour in late Winter/Spring( the most superb time for alpine ski touring on the NZ Glaciers).
The Alpinism & Ski team will be back from the Dolomites Mid September, back at the Wanaka Base ready for a great Kiwi ski touring season.
Enjoy the snow…. 🙂
Tasman Saddle ski tour
Ski touring @ remarkables
Recent snow falls have left the back country ski touring conditions in NZ magnificent. A few days ago, Iris , Gary and two friends from Queenstown did a day ski tour off the back of the very accessible Remarkables ski area, into Y creek.
back country ski touring
Early November and Gaz and Monte head to the head of the Tasman Glacier for ski touring. Variable weather conditions worked out OK with an ascent of Mt Aylmer, ice climbing in the Darwin ice fall and good ski turns from the col nearby to Kelman hut.
There is plenty of winter snow in the head of the glaciers which should help them survive the summer months and make for good climbing conditions.
Alpine ski mountaineering course
In October, Gary headed into the head of the Tasman Glacier, based at Tasman Saddle hut with clients Mark and Rachel. Learing the skills of ski mountaineering in preparation for a trip May 2017 to Denali. Cold snowy weather conditions provided perfect conditions to test gear , back country skiing / ski touring techniques , learn and apply technical mountaineering skills and weather and avalanche knowledge.
Ski touring in New Zealand
With all the fresh snow fallen a week ago, winter activities will be on many minds, here just a small selection of photos from past trips in the Southern Alps. While some keen snow lovers are already out there ski touring somewhere in the mountains of New Zealand, remember that back country skiing amoungst glaciated terrain can still be very dangerous and the amount of snow fallen has by no means filled up the crevasses nor made the bergschrunds safe just yet. Enjoy but make sure you have the skills out there. Courses are offered by top mountain guide instructor Gary Dickson, IFMGA expert in NZ. His next job is instructing/assessing in Iceland again, helping the professional glacier guides with quality standards in the industry. But before we leave, the annual general meeting of NZMGA is on the agenda where he’ll act as Mr President.
The first ski tour has been put on the schedule and if you – or anybody you know – are keen on an NZ back country ski tour late winter/spring with chief guide Gaz, at this stage you have the choice from 23rd September on wards. We can be reached any time via email, just beware that occasionally we might be out of touch longer than usual, sitting in plane, or otherwise relocating in the Swiss Alps without the online setup.
Backcountry ski touring in NZ now happening
Climbing in Europe is behind us for another year and one of the last weeks there, mountain guide Gaz was out with friend and colleague Steve Jones on the Matterhorn, part of a team on a filmed documentary climb. Here, pictures of a helicopter near the famous peak and hut and Jamie training for his special summit, with camera man Keith, the Trient glacier providing the perfect background, (photos are by Brian Hall, prof. IFMGA mountain guide).
Ski touring conditions are good after the recent wild storms on the South Island and plenty of snow fall in the back country of the Southern Alps. Excellent for the New Zealand ski touring missions during the next couple of months. Barely over jet lag, but we had to take the opportunity with blue skies and a fresh covering of white gold to put on ski touring gear for a bit of back country fun. The last week has been fabulous and there was more action on the ski field for Iris while Gary is teaching rope rescue techniques. Get in touch for a ski touring adventure just for you and your team.
Ski Touring in New Zealand
As we are packing up for a couple of months of summer mountaineering in Europe, ski touring and back country snow boarding adventurers in the Southern Alps are getting ready for the 2013 season and most likely some hardy souls are at it already.
Ourselves will be ready for it, Ski Touring in New Zealand that is, from 10th September onwards. However, if you want our help before then for putting together your dream trip in the Southern Alps, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Fixing dates is always a good start.
More photos of this particular ski touring adventure :