Winter is not too far away even though we love the autumn colours of the moment. The first inquiries for avalanche courses have come in and made us look at dates. We have fixed our late winter activities to start in Wanaka from 16th September onwards. Even though we’ll be back from Europe before then, we’ll simply need the time to check out the snow conditions ourselves, enjoy our own ski touring adventures and a few turns at TC plus some lazy moments to get over jet lag.
Check out the details on our website for avalanche course prices and/or get in touch by email for further information. Our courses do not provide any credits or points towards any education schemes (though we can provide you with a certificate) but are aimed to give you maximum knowledge in the shortest possible time to learn the skills to stay safe in the back country, not just during winter but summer too. Last but not least, the instructor is Gary Dickson in person, IFMGA / NZMGA qualified and top notch expert on safety.